100 Mini project ideas | Mini project ideas for final year

Sahil Ali
7 min readSep 29, 2023

Yesterday, I was searching for mini-projects and used to searches like….

“How do I get ideas for a mini project?
How to choose mini project for CSE?
What are projects in college?
How is a mini project written?”

But now, I have a Collection of the Best futuristic Demanded and Useful Mini Projects, I am sharing with you.

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

Mini projects are an excellent way to apply your knowledge, gain practical experience, and expand your skill set.

Whether you’re a student looking to enhance your coursework or a self-learner eager to explore new domains, here are 100 mini project ideas that span various programming languages and technology domains.

1. Data Science and Machine Learning

1.1. Predictive Text Generator: Create a text generator using recurrent neural networks (RNNs).

1.2. Image Classifier: Build an image classifier using convolutional neural networks (CNNs).

1.3. Stock Price Predictor: Develop a machine learning model to predict stock prices.

1.4. Recommendation System: Create a movie or product recommendation system based on user preferences.

1.5. Sentiment Analysis Tool: Build a tool that analyzes sentiment in text data.

1.6. Customer Churn Predictor: Develop a model to predict customer churn for a business.

1.7. Spam Email Classifier: Create a spam email classifier using natural language processing (NLP).

1.8. Handwritten Digit Recognition: Build a model to recognize handwritten digits (MNIST dataset).

1.9. Music Recommendation Engine: Create a music recommendation system based on user listening history.

1.10. Face Recognition App: Develop an app that can recognize faces in photos or videos.

2. Mobile App Development

2.1. Task Manager App: Develop a mobile app for managing tasks and to-do lists.

2.2. Weather Forecast App: Create a weather app that provides forecasts based on the user’s location.

2.3. Expense Tracker: Build an app that helps users track their expenses and budgets.

2.4. Note-Taking App: Design an app for taking and organizing notes.

2.5. Calculator: Create a calculator app that performs basic arithmetic operations.

2.6. Recipe Book: Develop a recipe book app for storing and sharing recipes.

2.7. Flashcard App: Build an app for creating and studying flashcards.

2.8. Fitness Tracker: Create a fitness tracking app that monitors steps, calories burned, and workouts.

2.9. Voice Assistant: Develop a voice-controlled assistant like Siri or Google Assistant.

2.10. Location-Based Reminder App: Build an app that sends reminders based on the user’s location.

3. Web Development

3.1. Personal Portfolio Website: Create a portfolio website to showcase your skills and projects.

3.2. Blog Platform: Build a content management system for writing and publishing articles.

3.3. E-commerce Website: Design a simple online store with product listings and a shopping cart.

3.4. Todo List Application: Develop a task management app with features like adding, editing, and deleting tasks.

3.5. Weather App: Build a web app that fetches and displays real-time weather data.

3.6. Chat Application: Create a real-time chat application using websockets.

3.7. Recipe Finder: Develop an app that suggests recipes based on ingredients.

3.8. Calendar/Event Planner: Build a calendar application for scheduling events and appointments.

3.9. URL Shortener: Create a service that shortens long URLs into more manageable links.

3.10. Personal Blog: Start your own blog using a blogging platform like WordPress or create a custom one.

4. Game Development

4.1. Flappy Bird Clone: Create a clone of the popular Flappy Bird game.

4.2. Tic-Tac-Toe: Build a simple tic-tac-toe game for two players.

4.3. Pong Game: Recreate the classic Pong game with paddle controls.

4.4. Platformer Game: Develop a 2D platformer game with character movement and obstacles.

4.5. Memory Game: Create a memory game where players match pairs of cards.

4.6. Snake Game: Build a classic Snake game with a growing snake and food.

4.7. Space Invaders Clone: Recreate the Space Invaders arcade game.

4.8. Racing Game: Develop a simple racing game with multiple tracks.

4.9. Chess Game: Create a chess game with two-player functionality.

4.10. Quiz Game: Build a quiz game with questions and multiple-choice answers.

5. IoT (Internet of Things)

5.1. Smart Home Automation: Automate lights, appliances, and temperature control in a home.

5.2. Weather Station: Create a weather station that records and displays temperature, humidity, and more.

5.3. Smart Door Lock: Build a smart door lock that can be controlled remotely.

5.4. IoT Plant Watering System: Develop a system that waters plants based on soil moisture levels.

5.5. Home Security Camera: Set up a home security camera that streams footage to a mobile app.

5.6. Smart Mirror: Create a smart mirror that displays weather, news, and calendar information.

5.7. Gesture-Controlled Light: Build a light system that can be controlled through hand gestures.

5.8. Smart Trash Can: Create a trash can that opens automatically when it detects motion.

5.9. IoT Pet Feeder: Build a pet feeder that dispenses food at scheduled times.

5.10. IoT Water Quality Monitor: Develop a device that measures water quality in a pond or aquarium.

6. Robotics and Automation

6.1. Line-Following Robot: Build a robot that can follow a line or path on the ground.

6.2. Obstacle-Avoidance Robot: Create a robot that avoids obstacles in its path.

6.3. Robotic Arm Control: Develop a system to control the movements of a robotic arm.

6.4. Voice-Controlled Robot: Build a robot that responds to voice commands.

6.5. Autonomous Drone: Create an autonomous drone that can navigate and perform tasks.

6.6. Gesture-Controlled Robot: Build a robot that can be controlled using hand gestures.

6.7. Sumo Robot: Create a sumo robot for robot sumo competitions.

6.8. Maze-Solving Robot: Build a robot that can navigate and solve mazes autonomously.

6.9. Wireless Robot Control: Develop a wireless control system for remotely controlling a robot.

6.10. Robot Soccer: Create a mini robot soccer game with two competing robots.

7. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

7.1. Chess AI: Develop a chess-playing AI that can compete against a human player.

7.2. Chatbot: Create a chatbot that can engage in natural language conversations.

7.3. AI Music Composer: Build an AI that generates music compositions.

7.4. Language Translator: Develop a language translation AI that translates text between multiple languages.

7.5. Image Captioning AI: Create an AI that generates captions for images.

7.6. AI Dungeon Game: Build an interactive text-based adventure game with an AI storyteller.

7.7. Speech Recognition AI: Develop an AI that converts spoken language into text.

7.8. AI-Based Recommendation Engine: Create an AI recommendation system for products, movies, or books.

7.9. AI-Based News Aggregator: Build an AI that curates news articles based on user preferences.

7.10. AI-Based Face Swap: Develop an AI that swaps faces in photos or videos.

8. Cloud Computing

8.1. Serverless Web Application: Create a serverless web app using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, or Google Cloud Functions.

8.2. Cloud Storage Service: Develop a cloud-based file storage and sharing platform.

8.3. Container Orchestration with Kubernetes: Set up a Kubernetes cluster for container management.

8.4. Serverless Chat Application: Build a real-time chat application using cloud functions.

8.5. Big Data Analytics in the Cloud: Implement big data analytics using cloud services like AWS EMR or Azure HDInsight.

8.6. Cloud-native Microservices Application: Develop a microservices-based app using containers, serverless, and cloud databases.

8.7. Real-time Data Streaming: Create a real-time data streaming app using AWS Kinesis or Azure Stream Analytics.

8.8. Cloud IoT Integration: Develop a system that integrates IoT devices with cloud platforms for data processing.

8.9. Cloud Data Warehousing: Set up a cloud data warehousing solution for storing and querying large datasets.

8.10. Serverless Data Processing: Implement serverless data processing workflows for tasks like ETL.

9. Blockchain Technology

9.1. Blockchain-Based Voting System: Create a secure and transparent voting system using blockchain.

9.2. Blockchain Supply Chain Tracking: Develop a supply chain management system using blockchain for product tracking.

9.3. Decentralized File Storage: Build a decentralized file storage system on a blockchain network.

9.4. Smart Contracts for Legal Agreements: Create a platform for creating and executing legal agreements using smart contracts.

9.5. Blockchain-Based Crowdfunding: Develop a crowdfunding platform where contributions are managed on a blockchain.

9.6. Blockchain Identity Verification: Create a blockchain-based identity verification platform to secure personal data.

9.7. Blockchain-based Healthcare Records: Build a system for securely storing and sharing medical records using blockchain.

9.8. Tokenization of Real Assets: Explore the tokenization of real-world assets like real estate or art on a blockchain.

9.9. Blockchain-Based Gaming: Create blockchain-based games with provably rare in-game assets and ownership.

9.10. Cryptocurrency Wallet: Develop a secure cryptocurrency wallet for storing and managing digital assets.

10. Edge Computing

10.1. IoT Sensor Data Processing: Create an edge computing solution that processes data from IoT sensors locally.

10.2. Edge-Based Video Analytics: Develop a video analytics system for real-time analysis at the edge.

10.3. Edge AI for Autonomous Vehicles: Build an edge AI system for autonomous vehicle navigation.

10.4. Edge Computing for Healthcare Monitoring: Create a healthcare monitoring system that processes patient data locally.

10.5. Edge-Based Predictive Maintenance: Implement edge computing for predicting equipment failures in industrial settings.

10.6. Edge-Based Language Translation: Develop a language translation tool that operates offline at the edge.

10.7. Edge-Based Natural Disaster Detection: Create a system that detects natural disasters using edge devices.

10.8. Edge Computing for Agriculture: Build an edge computing solution for precision agriculture.

10.9. Edge-Based Retail Analytics: Implement edge computing for retail stores to analyze customer behavior.

10.10. Edge-Based Home Automation: Develop an edge-based home automation system for local control.

100 Mini Projects in PHP, Python, Node.js, and More: Boost Your Coding Skills (Coming Soon)

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Mini project ideas for final year



Sahil Ali

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